Rabu, 27 April 2016

Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

 Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Understanding Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Genital herpes is an infection of the genitals that can infect men and women. The disease is one of the sexually transmitted infections or STIs because generally transmitted through sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, and oral).

Infections that occur are caused by herpes simplex virus, or commonly referred to as HSV. When active, the virus will evolve and move between nerve cells. HSV can be contagious and enter the body through mucous membranes. Mucous membranes are the moist soft tissue that lines the exposed parts of the body. Mucous membranes are in some parts of the body and is directly in contact with the skin, on the walls of the mouth, the inside of the eyelid, in the ear, in the urinary tract, in the walls of the vagina and anus.
Symptoms of genital herpes, which first appeared is the blister redness and pain around the genital area. These sores may break and become open sores.

Causes of Genital Herpes

The cause of genital herpes is herpes simplex virus. This virus is divided into two types, Type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Both types of the virus is highly contagious and transmission occurs from direct contact of the infected person. Herpes sometimes cause certain symptoms, but an infected person can still pass the virus. Because the symptoms are quite mild, around 80 percent of infected people do not realize that they have suffered from herpes.

Genital Herpes Treatment

There is no drug that can be used to treat HSV infections. Antiviral drugs are used only to control symptoms due to viral infection ini.Obat anti-herpes drugs most commonly used are:

·         Acyclovir
·         Famciclovir
·         Valaciclovir

Diagnosis Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

When an infection is going on, the diagnosis of genital herpes can be done easily and precisely. To diagnose genital herpes, takes samples of fluid from the blister that appears. To find out if we suffer from herpes simplex, this sample will be taken and examined in the laboratory.

In addition to tests using herpes wound fluid samples, the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus can also be checked through a blood test.

PCR or polymerase chain reaction test can also be done to diagnose the presence of herpes simplex virus. This test can check for the presence and type of HSV that has plagued the body through blood or body fluid samples.

If you are experiencing certain health conditions other than genital herpes, you may need to see a specialist to receive special treatment. Infections that occur can affect other parts of the body.

For pregnant women infected with herpes, you should immediately see an obstetrician. Infections that occur in pregnant women can infect unborn baby.

Genital herpes patients who have problems with the immune system also needs to see a specialist. Similarly, people with HIV / AIDS and cancer patients.

The health condition of people with genital herpes affects the long absence of infection lasts and its severity.

Prevention of Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Herpes simplex viruses can be transmitted from patients without any symptoms. But the rate of transmission of this virus will be higher if the infection was a relapse. People with herpes simplex advised not to have sexual intercourse while being open wound.

If there are open sores or blisters in the mouth, do not kiss your partner. Sharing sex toys can also transmit the virus. If you want to share, be sure to wash it first.

Although not completely eliminate the risk of genital herpes, condoms can help prevent the infection. The use of condoms can protect yourself and your partner. But keep in mind that condoms only cover the penis alone. HSV can be transmitted through contact with the other body parts such as the mouth when oral or anal sex when anal sex.

If you or your partner feel at risk of HSV, immediately do a test to confirm the diagnosis. Keep in mind that the symptoms are mild, so many people are not aware of being infected with this virus.

Herpes simplex virus can not survive long in the object outside the human body. This virus requires human body to survive. But it never hurts to avoid the risk of transmission by not sharing towels or clothing.

In Pregnant Women

For women who are planning a pregnancy or are pregnant and suspected of having herpes, it is advisable to conduct tests TORCH infections. TORCH is a group of viruses consisting of a virus, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and other viruses (eg, syphilis, measles, mumps, parvovirus, and HIV). TORCH infection tests performed to ascertain the status of herpes in the mother so that if diagnosed positive, treatment can be carried out so that the fetus was not infected with the virus.

Symptoms of Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Sometimes the herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes no symptoms because the virus is able to 'hide' in the body or latent. Viruses hide from the immune system inside nerve cells. When relapse, the virus will be active again and move towards the skin through nerves and cause new sores. For the first time infected with herpes, may not show any symptoms, and as a result they do not know that he had been infected with this virus. Symptoms of genital herpes may include:

  • Open wounds and look red without the sensation of pain, itching, or tingling.
  • The sensation of pain, itching, or tingling around the genital or anal area.
  • Blister which then rupture and open around the genitals, rectum, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Feel pain when urinating.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, and fatigue.
  • Open sores or blisters on the cervix.
  • Their discharge from the vagina.

This virus can be latent or inactive in the body for some time. But the virus can be active again and cause symptoms of herpes back. In other words, after the first symptoms of infection disappear, it does not mean the virus had disappeared from our bodies.

Actually, when infection first occurs, your body will produce antibodies to fight infection. The body becomes able to recognize the virus and strength needed to fight HSV more effectively. So in effect, infections that occur will not be as severe as the first infection. Frequency will also be reduced and the symptoms will disappear faster.

Treatment of Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

To reduce the symptoms of genital herpes infection, antiviral drugs such as acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir will be given. These drugs only serves to prevent herpes simplex virus to replicate, but can not eliminate the virus from the body completely.

If the symptoms are not too severe infection, consumption of antiviral drugs may not be necessary. Here are some things you can do at home to help relieve the symptoms:

  • To speed up the healing process and relieve pain, cover the wound with ice cubes wrapped in a cloth. Do not put ice directly on the surface were injured.
  • Clean the infected area regularly.
  • Use painkillers cramps in blister or ulcer. In addition many are drinking mineral water. Secondly it aims to facilitate and ease the pain during urination.
  • Use loose clothing to reduce pain in the blister in the skin is infect

Genital Herpes Treatment in People with HIV

The emergence of the genital herpes that too often can be caused by a weakened immune system. This means the amount of antibodies produced by the body to fight infection will be reduced. As a result, more common herpes symptoms and severity become more serious. For those who suffered herpes infections quite often, it is advisable to have an HIV test. People with HIV have the immunity that is much weaker than a healthy person. The specialist will deal with genital herpes that occurs in people with HIV.

Causes of Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus or HSV is generally transmitted through vaginal intercourse, oral, and anal. Two types of the virus that causes genital herpes is HSV-1 and HSV-2.

The spread of this virus through direct contact with an infected partner by HSV. This can happen even if an infected person does not experience any symptoms. The virus is spread through the damp part of the wall of the genital skin, mouth, and anus. In addition, the virus can also spread through the herpes sores and can occur around the mouth, eyes and other body parts.

Genital herpes can not be spread through the intermediary object. The virus will not be able to survive long if detached from the skin. Equipment such as towels, utensils, and toothbrushes typically can not be an intermediary for the spread of this virus.
Genital herpes is very contagious. Once infected, the body of the sufferer will forever have this virus. HSV can be latent for some time before it becomes active again. This is what causes genital herpes may recur.

HSV will turn back on when the body's defense system decreases. This can occur when the patient is experiencing an infection, is going through a period of stress, are undergoing chemotherapy as a cancer treatment step, or due to exposure to the HIV virus. In addition, excessive consumption of alcohol can also trigger the HSV virus to become active.

Complications of Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex)

Complications that might occur simultaneously with genital herpes are described below:

Other Sexually Transmitted Infections
With open wounds caused by genital herpes, you have a higher risk for spreading or contracting other sexually transmitted diseases, especially if unprotected sexual intercourse. The most severe is the occurrence of complications with HIV / AIDS. The disease lowers the immune system of the human body. If this happens, the tendency towards recurrence of herpes will be more frequent and more severe symptoms.

Inflammation or inflammation
In some cases, genital herpes can cause inflammation in the urinary tract. Swelling that occurs can close the urethra lines for several days. In this case, a catheter must be inserted to siphon the contents of the bladder. In addition to the urethra, inflammation can also occur in the rectal passage. Inflammation of the wall of the rectum is more common in men who have sex with other men. In very rare cases, herpes simplex virus can also cause meningitis or inflammation of the lining of the brain.

In Pregnancy

Herpes simplex virus or HSV can cause problems in pregnancy and can be transmitted to the baby during delivery. If HSV infection occurs before pregnancy, the chances of transmission to the baby is very small. The last few months of pregnancy, the mother will release a lot of protective antibodies to their babies. These antibodies will protect the baby from various microorganisms including HSV. These antibodies can persist at the time of delivery until several months later. If there is a re-emergence of symptoms of herpes drug acyclovir may need to be consumed. Ask your gynecologist about treatment that you can get, including dosage and rules of use of the drug. If you have an infection at the beginning of the first 3-6 months of pregnancy, the risk of contagious infections in infants and even miscarriage increases. Therefore, the drug might need to be consumed. The virus can be transmitted during childbirth. HSV infections over the first 6 months of pregnancy makes the risk of transmitting infection in infants is very high. This is because the mother's body needs time to produce antibodies before the baby is born. To avoid this, it is necessary to do a cesarean section. Normal birth would increase the risk of transmission of infection in babies born as much as 40 percent higher.

Infection in Infants in the Process of Childbirth

For infants infected with HSV at the time of childbirth, infections that occur can be very dangerous and sometimes deadly. This is known as neonatal herpes. Herpes occurring during delivery can adversely affect the body organs such as the eyes, mouth, and skin. In addition, the brain and other nervous system can also be affected by this infection. In cases of severe neonatal herpes, a variety of other organs such as the lungs and liver can also be attacked until it can cause death.

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