Selasa, 26 April 2016

Causes, Characteristics, Treatment and How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Causes, Characteristics, Treatment and How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

Information on women’s health, namely gynecology science blog about cervical cancer better understanding of the causes, characteristics, how to prevent and reached the stage of cervical cancer treatment. Hopefully this information as information that really helps you.

Women are particularly vulnerable to the spread of cervical cancer, especially for those aged between 30-45 years and sexually active. Cervical cancer is becoming a disease of the hated and feared, especially for women. each year thousands of women from contracting the disease. Cervical cancer itself is a cancer that attacks the attack on the female reproductive organs, is precisely in the area of the cervix or uterus entrance to the narrow part at the bottom between the vulva and the uterus.
What is the cause of cervical cancer
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of cervical cancer. While the cause of death in women is HPV types 16 and 18. The virus is very easily transmitted and spread, not only through the fluid, but also through skin contact. HPV is a collection of viruses that cause warts on the hands, feet, and genitals. HPV is very common sexually transmitted. Besides caused by the HPV virus, abnormal cells on the cervix can also grow due to radiation exposure or contamination of chemicals that occur in the long term. Other causes include sexual intercourse before the age of 20 years, smoking (nicotine), inadequate intake of vitamins (vitamin A and vitamin B) and folic acid, heredity, and the overuse of cleaning the vagina. The use of vaginal cleanser (soap) can cause skin irritation in the mouth of the uterus is very thin so that it can trigger cell disorders, the situation is quite susceptible to trigger cervical cancer.
How to know the characteristics of cervical cancer
Usually women who develop cervical cancer is detected when the acute stages, at an early stage of its development is quite difficult to detect. So what are the characteristics? Some CIRR following comparison of pain which is sometimes accompanied by bleeding in the female organs when it has a core, often feel pain in the area around the hips, bleed excessively during menstruation, often experience vaginal discharge with unnatural, and pain during urination, can Similarly, when women have advanced stage will experience pain in the thigh or leg had swollen, becomes greatly reduced appetite, weight loss is not stable, difficulty urinating, spontaneous bleeding.
Cervical Cancer Treatment
If you are detected with cervical cancer, then you can do some treatment methods. If detected early stage cervical cancer, the treatment is done in a way that would eliminate cervical cancer surgery, laser surgery well, electricity or by freezing and removal of the cancer of the cervix (cyrosurgery). For those who have an advanced stage treatment will be done by means of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but if it is detected severe enough, none other than to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) thoroughly so that cancer does not spread.
Preventing cervical cancer early
Cervical cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle is always working, faithful to your partner, do the HPV virus vaccination, and diligently perform pap smears.

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