Rabu, 27 April 2016

Blighted Ovum ( miscarriage )

Definition Blighted Ovum

Blighted ovum (anembryonic gestation) or anembryonic pregnancy is a pregnancy that does not contain an embryo. This condition is a common cause of pregnancy ends in themselves, which is a condition that is better known as a miscarriage.

In general, a miscarriage can occur at any time until the pregnancy reaches 23 weeks. Conditions blighted ovum is a common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Blighted ovum usually occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities in the developing fetus. The mother's body will terminate the pregnancy when aware of the abnormality. Besides chromosomal abnormalities, cell division imperfect can also lead blighted ovum. The quality of the egg and sperm can cause chromosomal abnormalities which may further lead to blighted ovum.

Symptoms Blighted Ovum

It's possible for someone who has blighted ovum in the early stages of pregnancy to feel that he was having a normal pregnancy. This is because blighted ovum have the same symptoms of pregnancy, such as menstruation is late with a positive pregnancy test result. Patients can continue to feel in a state of pregnancy until the bleeding from the vagina.

Be aware of symptoms other than bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage, menstrual volume is more than usual, cramping in the abdominal area as well as the appearance of spots. Immediately call your doctor if you experience these symptoms, to diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis Blighted Ovum

Doctors will usually find out the level of the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) separately to make sure their pregnancy. This hormone is produced by the placenta and their levels can continue to grow for some time. The doctor will also perform ultrasound tests to make sure the pregnancy pouch that has formed, containing the embryo or not. Usually the doctor will perform an ultrasound back in ten days after the first ultrasound tests to monitor the development of the embryo and the condition of pregnancy.

To confirm the diagnosis of blighted ovum, pregnancy and embryonic bags must meet certain size criteria, ie the diameter of 25 mm or more for a bag of pregnancy and does not have a yolk sac sac (ovum) or embryos. Other picture is when the embryo has a length of more than 15 mm but does not have a heart healthy activity.

Treatment Blighted Ovum

One-handling procedures were carried out after a person is diagnosed blighted ovum is to open and then lift the embryo and placenta tissue develop from the womb. This procedure is called dilatase and curettage. In addition, the drugs can be used as an option in addition to the surgical procedure. Both methods have side effects abdominal cramps.

Patients who have blighted ovum need to learn and to know that he is not the cause of the miscarriage she experienced. Himself must realize that abortion is a natural process that can not be prevented when the body detecting abnormalities in pregnancy. By understanding this, physical health and mental patients can recover quickly.

Prevention Blighted Ovum

Blighted ovum usually occurs one time in most women. Unfortunately, in most cases, this condition can not be prevented. For some women who have had a blighted ovum can still have a healthy uterus in subsequent pregnancies. You and your partner can do a genetic test to detect any abnormalities are at risk of recurrence of miscarriage.

Mutual maintain the health of you and your partner is also one form of primary prevention that can be done together. Plan and through the pregnancy together will provide significant support for one another. Also avoid the risk factors of smoking and was advised to stop the consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.

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