Selasa, 26 April 2016

Cyst disease


Including cysts benign tumors encased by a kind of membrane tissue in the female reproductive organs are most Often encountered. Cystic shape, taste viscous liquid, and there IS ALSO a form of wine. Also cysts exist that Contain water, fluid, pus, or other materials. A collection of tumor cells were separated with the surrounding normal tissue and can spread to other body parts. That is why the are relatively benign tumor is removed by surgery, and do not endanger the health of the sufferer.

Based on the level of ferocity, cysts are divided into two, namely non-neoplastic and neoplastic. Non-neoplastic cysts and benign nature will usually deflate itself after 2 to 3 months. While neoplastic cysts generally have an operation, but it also depends on the size and nature.
Cysts affect women’s menstrual cycles because of hormonal system is disturbed. Naturally, growth hormone will regulate the egg cell in the ovary. Medical has not been able to clearly explain how the hormonal cycles of women who disrupted.
However, various research continues to be done to solve this medical case that the number of patients the cyst can be suppressed.
Follicles are sort sacs in the ovary that contains the egg. In the case of cysts, follicles in the ovary are few. Egg cells in the follicles do not mature, so it can not enter into the ovary. Instead, crystals will form in the ovaries.
This is what causes a woman infertile. Follicles are not mature and the inability to distribute the egg (ovulation) seems to be the reason for the low number of follicle stimulating hormone (HSF), exceeding the content of androgens in the ovaries.
A woman who was diagnosed with cysts usually aged around 20 – 30 yo. Usually women who have cysts, if traced the genealogy of his family, no mother or grandmother who experience symptoms similar cysts.
In addition to ovarian cysts can also grow in the area of the vagina and vulva (the external female genitalia). Cyst growing area of the vagina, among other inclusions, Gartner duct, endometriosis, and adenosis. While vulvar cyst growing area, among others, the Bartholin’s glands, sebaceous glands and epidermal inclusion. A collection of tumor cells were separated with the surrounding normal tissue and can spread to other body parts. That is the reason why a relatively benign tumor is surgically removed and not too dangerous for the health of the sufferer.

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