Selasa, 26 April 2016

6 Powerful Ways to Prevent Whitish

6 Powerful Ways to Prevent Whitish
version of the knowledge and information- Whitish is a reproductive disorder that is characterized by whitish white. At low levels of discharge, the discharge rate will also be colored slightly translucent. While whitish in the middle level, whiteness will come out with quite a lot, but the smell of white color. In contrast to the final stage of discharge will come out in large numbers, along with the blood and the stench spread. In this condition, you should consult your doctor to make sure your condition is in good condition - fine.
Whitish cause a variety of harmful health effects. Even in a severe state, vaginal discharge can indicate a woman suffering from cervical cancer. Seeing the danger posed enormous whitish, I will try to share about how the prevention of vaginal discharge.
Here is a description of how to prevent the whiteness that no color:
1. Keep the sex organs
The main cause of vaginal discharge in the female sex organ is the lack of concern in maintaining the cleanliness of the sex organs. This can be seen in most women who have a habit of wearing underwear straight after he had a bowel movement in which the vagina is still in wet conditions. In fact, it will make the vagina becomes moist. Vagina dank be highly favored by bacteria and fungi. This condition triggers the onset of vaginal discharge.
Based on the above information, we can conclude that maintaining the cleanliness of the sex organs is the main thing to do to prevent the whiteness. You can use a soap that is pH equivalent to the sex organs. Soap with the proper pH can suppress the growth of bacteria that can lead to vaginal discharge.
2. Do not wear powder
Powder has a very smooth texture and creamy. Smooth texture in the powder, it can be easily tucked away in part – the part of the vagina. This would then attract the bacteria to stay in place.
3. Wear underwear dry and clean
Make sure you always wear panties dry. This will make the vagina more comfortable and dry to prevent bacteria developing. If your panties damp or wet, vagina will also be damp. This situation eventually invites bacteria and fungi that can lead to discharge.
4. Wear cotton underwear
Cotton clothing will easily absorb sweat. Thus, cotton clothing will inhibit bacteria to live in the vagina for no cloth pants wet and humid.
5. Avoid wearing tight jeans
Tight jeans will make the vagina becomes difficult to breathe. In addition it can trigger the occurrence of whitish, jeans can also cause the vagina to be difficult to grow and develop. Therefore, wear pants that are loose for vaginal health can be maintained properly.
6. Do not be lazy to change pads during menstruation
Bandages are not being replaced will be invited to come and attack bacteria vagina. it causes bacteria and fungi easily come and cause infection.
That 6-fire way to prevent the whiteness. May be useful and be the right information for you to apply.

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