Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

9 How To Maintain Women’s Reproductive Health

9 How To Maintain Women’s Reproductive Health

Female Reproductive health is a state of healthy whole Reproductive Organs and normal reproductive process. So that women’s reproductive health is not just a disease-free conditions, but how a person can have a safe sex life.
Maintaining the health of Female Reproductive very important tool. And how precise and easy to maintain the health, could consider in the following explanation:

1. Clean the outside of the vagina after urinating or bowel, using clean water. With direction from front to back.
2. When entering the period of the menstrual cycle, frequently changing pads, especially at the beginning of menstruation usually spend a lot of blood.
3. Avoid (douching), which inserts a finger or ejaculated into the vagina, although it aims to clean the inside of the vagina. Activity you do this will remove bacteria loctobacili and also trigger skin irritation.
4. Do not use soap or shower gel in the vagina sweep because it will trigger dry conditions, skin irritation and will be itching. Even some women are sensitive and allergic to fragrances and content that exist in soap suds.
5. Perform cleaning using water on the genitals either husband or wife when the will and after sexual intercourse. You should also urinate more or less half an hour after intercourse, this will reduce the risk of bladder infections.
6. Change underwear at least 2 times a day, and if you experience vaginal discharge, you should use a panty liner. At bedtime should not use underwear, so that air and blood circulation more smoothly.
7. Conditions swollen pus is also associated with an infection and the patient complains of pain and fever. Treatment of this disorder incisional reproductive health and aims to remove the pus drainage and antibiotic consumption. These symptoms can also occur in women who are too often clean pubic hair. So that the cleanliness of the cutting tool must also be prioritized.
8. normal vaginal discharge occurs in a few days before menstruation, when subjected to sexual arousal, pregnancy and climacteric or after menopause. Whitish happened in outside of these times accompanied by the odor, color yellow / greenish, itching to watch out for and consulted with a doctor.
9. Avoid using vaginal cleaners sold in the market, because it can cause side effects and change the pH of the vagina. Products that you should avoid is when after use cause itching, stinging and redness.

Armed with tips Easy to Maintain Women’s Reproductive Health of the above, of course you already can prepare for the good times with friends. Pregnancy will only occur in a healthy reproductive system, even also will support the normal labor process on your baby later.

Rabu, 27 April 2016

Genital warts ( HPV )

Genital warts ( HPV )

Understanding HPV

Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV is a virus that can cause warts on various parts of the body. HPV virus lives in the skin cells and has more than 100 types. There are about 60 types of HPV cause warts that usually infects the body parts such as legs and arms, while 40 of them trigger genital warts.

HPV infection can occur if a person in direct contact with the skin sufferers or objects contaminated with the virus HPV. Sexual intercourse can also be a means of transmission of genital HPV virus. Eg direct contact with the genital skin, mucous membranes or exchange of bodily fluids, and oral or anal sex.

Although rare, a mother potentially transmit HPV to her baby while undergoing childbirth.

Not all types of HPV can cause cancer, but there are some types of genital HPV can lead to cervical cancer or cervical cancer, and cancer of the anus and penis. WHO (World Health Organisation) estimates that about 99 percent of cases of cervical cancer associated with HPV genital infection.

Symptoms of HPV Infection

HPV tend not cause symptoms so rarely recognized by sufferers. Our immune system would normally also cleared the infection before the virus causes symptoms that do not require treatment.

If the HPV infection to cause symptoms at this stage, the main indication is the growth of warts. Types of warts are divided into four categories, namely ordinary warts, genital warts, plantar warts or eyelets, and flat warts. Skin texture will warts overgrown rough, hard, and somewhat prominent.

Genital warts and flat warts are generally not painful. Genital warts are just itchy. Plantar warts that grow on the soles of the feet often cause pain, especially when walking.

If the warts that you are suffering pain, itching or interfere with performance, contact your doctor to get proper treatment.

In addition to causing warts, there are two types of genital HPV infection is a major trigger of cervical cancer are HPV 16 and HPV type 18. These generally do not grow warts or other symptoms, so it is difficult to realize by women.

Risk Factors In HPV Infection
HPV infection is very contagious and can happen to anyone. There are several factors that can increase the person's risk for this virus.

  • Often change partners. Having sex with more than one partner will heighten your risk.
  • Sharing personal items such as towels, handkerchiefs, or socks.
  • A weakened immune system, such as HIV / AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Damaged skin, for example, an open wound because carded.
  • Age. Common warts commonly suffered by children, while the plantar and genital warts are more common in adolescents and young adults.
  • Personal hygiene, for example to the public bath without wearing footwear.

Process Diagnosis and Treatment of HPV Infection

The diagnosis of HPV infection is the main through inspection warts. As for the genitals, your doctor may recommend a test solution of acetic acid and Pap test.

The skin on the infected genital HPV virus will turn white after smeared acetic acid solution that is easily detected. While the Pap test, the doctor will take a sample of cells from the cervix and vagina to be examined in the laboratory. Pap smears can also be used to detect cervical cell abnormalities that can turn into cancer.

Once the diagnosis is positive, there are two medical methods that you can choose, which is treated with the drugs or surgical procedures.

Treatment with drugs commonly used topical medications and require considerable time to remove warts. Some examples of topical medication to overcome the warts are:

  • Salicylic acid wart Gradually the which serves erode.
  • Trichloroacetic acid roomates will burn protein in the cells of the wart.
  • Imiquimod is able to improve the immune system against HPV.
  • Podophyllotoxin the which works by destroying the network on genital warts.

In addition to topical medication, warts can also be addressed with the operation steps roomates include cryotherapy, electro surgery, surgical removal and laser surgery.

If left untreated, HPV infection can cause the appearance of sores in the mouth and upper respiratory tract. Some types of HPV can even trigger abnormal changes in cervical cells. Changes that are not immediately detected and addressed it could develop into cervical cancer. Cancer of the penis and anus are also included complications that can be caused by HPV infection.

HPV Infection Prevention Steps

Warts can indeed be lost without special treatment, but that does not mean the HPV virus also vanished. This virus will remain in hiding in the body of sufferers and can spread it to others.

HPV infection prevention measures that can be taken is vaccination. The vaccine named Gardasil HPV vaccine is one that is proven effective in preventing genital warts and cervical cancer.

The HPV vaccine is generally recommended for adolescent girls. The vaccine is divided into three doses. The distance between the first and second dose is two months, while the distance between the first dose and the third is six months.

In addition to vaccination, there are prevention methods that may be useful, such as:

  • Avoid touching warts directly.
  • Immediately wash hands with soap if accidentally touch the wart.
  • Do not have multiple partners and be faithful to your partner.
  • Use a condom every time you have sex. Although not fully effective, these measures can reduce the risk of transmission.
  • Maintain cleanliness, for example, barefoot in damp public places such as the edge of the pool and put on clean socks.
  • Do not share personal items such as razors or nail clippers.


Definition Candidiasis

Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by Candida. This fungus has more than 20 kinds. Nevertheless, the most frequent types of Candida cause infections is Candida albicans.

Candidiasis can appear on different parts of the human body. The body parts most frequent infections are the mouth and around the genitals. Other body parts that may be exposed to Candida infection is the nail, the esophagus, the area around the anus, and the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms vary according to the location of the infection. Here's a detailed explanation of the symptoms of the most common sites of infection Candida.

Oral Candidiasis (Oral Trush)

Common symptoms of oral candidiasis include pimple-white spots in the mouth and tongue, skin in the corners of the mouth chapped, and redness of the mouth cavity. Sore throat and difficulty in swallowing may also be experienced by the patient.

Candida infection around the genitals

Fungal infections are a common cause of irritation in the vagina, but can also be experienced by men (especially men who are uncircumcised). Symptoms of yeast infection in women include itching incredible that feels around the vagina, the vagina around the red and sore, and whitish clot like cheese. While the symptoms in men is usually in the form of a red rash on the penis, itching and burning sensation on the tip of the penis, as well as odor.

Genital fungal infections including sexually transmitted diseases, especially in pair. Therefore, treatment as soon as possible is very important for patients who are infected.

Fungal infections should be treated promptly, especially the already severe. If not treated and left too long, potentially causing fungal candidiasis entry to the bloodstream and trigger infections in the blood.

Causes and Risk Factors Candidiasis

In normal conditions, the Candida fungus is already present on the surface of human skin. But if proliferate excessively, especially on the part of the body that is moist, this fungus will lead to infection. Some factors that may increase the risk of fungal infections are:

  • Age. Fungal infections more often experienced by infants and the elderly. For example, diaper rash in infants.
  • A weakened immune system, such as HIV patients, patients undergoing chemotherapy, as well as steroid users.
  • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes.
  • Certain drugs, such as antibiotics.

Candidiasis Treatment and Prevention

Treatment to be undertaken by each person with course vary, depending on the location of infection, the severity, and the patient's medical condition. There are various types of anti-fungal drugs that can be purchased freely in pharmacies nearest to treat fungal infection that you experienced. However, make sure that you always see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. This is done so the drugs have actually correspond to the type of fungal infection that you are contracting.

Here are examples of the types of drugs that may be recommended based on the type of candidiasis experienced by patients.

  • Oral candidiasis can be treated with antifungal mouthwash or gel form. Duration of treatment is needed generally ranged from one to two weeks. Your doctor may prescribe anti-fungal in the form of tablets or capsules.

  • Candida infection around the genitals can be treated with anti-fungal form of creams, suppositories and tablets.

  • Diaper rash due to candidiasis can be administered in the form of antifungal cream, ointment, and powder.

In addition to medications, there are several ways to speed healing oral candidiasis infections, among others:

  • Maintain cleanliness, for example diligent brushing teeth, dental care to the doctor regularly, and clean between the teeth with dental floss or dental floss regularly.
  • Quit smoking.

As to speed healing Candida infection around the genitals, you can do the following things:

  • Wear underwear made of cotton.
  • Do not wear underwear that is too tight.
  • Avoid using soaps containing perfumes in the sex organs.
  • Make sure the sex organs is always dry, especially after cleaning or after bathing.